Our package system: "Fundamentally Flawed" - A Linux User.

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at tensor.3miasto.net
Mon Jul 19 00:09:32 PDT 2004

> a different library name) like it should, pkg_add only gives a warning and an
> assumption that the install went well.
> Now, the user goes to run the package and gets a big fat error: libintl.so.X
> not found.

package 0.13 should be compatible with 0.12 or should has name 1.*

anyway - in 99.99% times
ln -s libintl.so.X libintl.so.Y where Y is required number
works :)

> For a user like myself, this is no problem. I can recognize the error and figure
> out how to fix it manually. For a user considering switching to FreeBSD from
> Linux, this is considered a "fundamental flaw" in our package system and may
> lead to a very annoying flame war. Can this be fixed? Why hasn't it been fixed?

war requires 2 sides to fight. simplest way to avoid is ignore them.

no one forces linux user to go to FreeBSD or otherBSD.

2 years ago mostly because linux started "the only right" solution and to
be "better than windows" i switched to NetBSD. and found that this said
to be worse *BSD are actually better.

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