How to send attached files on sendmail with mail tool?

Murray Taylor murraytaylor at
Sun Jul 18 17:39:00 PDT 2004


cat file | uuencode tgt_filname | mail -s "subject" test at

You can send .tgz, .tar.gz, .xls, .csv, ... files using this method..

Ie any file at all as the uuencode does all the necessaries to make the
file into 7bit ascii.

subject can be derived from shell script variables if necessary.


On Sat, 2004-07-17 at 06:36, Carla Neves wrote:
> Hi Dear all,
> I'm doing some scripts to automaticly deliver to some email accounts 
> Unix system printouts. I'm using sendmail on Freebsd 4.9 and the mail 
> tool to send my emails. What I would like to know is: is it possible 
> to send emails with files attached using the sendmail and the mail 
> tool? Which syntax should I aply to send an attached file in the 
> message?
> I would appreciate your help.
> P.S: I' using this syntax so far for sending emails
> mail -s "Automatic Message" recipient at <<E_O_M
> The contents of the message goes here.
> E_O_M
> or to pipe stuff directly into sendmail:
> /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -oi -oem <<E_O_M
> To: recipient at
> Subject: Automatic Message
> The contents of the message goes here.
> As much as you like, really.
> E_O_M
> Regards,
> Carla
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