First time CUPS user, config problems?

Bill Schoolcraft bill at
Sat Jul 17 08:34:07 PDT 2004

At Sat, 17 Jul 2004 it looks like Peter Risdon composed:

> Cups installs /usr/local/bin/lp and /usr/local/bin/lpr and leaves
> /usr/bin/lp and /usr/bin/lpr in place. Back these up, symlink the cups
> versions into their places and try again.

If I'm not mistaken, cups does install "lpr" and "lprm" and "lpq" ..... but
I believe they have the following names


In the past I've renamed the original files that were there already:

	mv lpr lpr-ORIG
	mv lprm lprm-ORIG
	mv lpq lpq-ORIG

Then I create the symlinks so any programs "looking" for the original
names, and alot do, find the cups version through the re-direction that
occurs via symlinks.

	ln -s lpr.cups lpr
	ln -s lprm.cups lprm
	ln -s lpq.cups lpq

Of course this is done "inside" the directory where the files reside.

Bill Schoolcraft
PO Box 210076                 -o)
San Francisco CA 94121         /\
"UNIX, A Way Of Life."        _\_v

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