will a 160g work on fbsd?

Gary Kline kline at magnesium.net
Wed Jul 14 19:31:30 PDT 2004


	we stoppped by frys to get some memory to max out my emachines.
	frys has a 160g drive for around $60...... new.... aftr

	can i use it as a slave on either 4.8, 4.10 orn 5.2. 1 
	or is theren a limit of 120g?   of corse i'll slice this
	up welllif it cn be made to work.



Gary Kline  Seattle BSD Users' Group (seabug)      | kline at magnesium.net
            Thought Unlimited Org's Alternate Email Site
   To live is not a necessity; but to live honorably...is a necessity. -Kant

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