BandwidthD syntax error?

Irvine Short irvine at
Tue Jul 13 01:46:05 PDT 2004

Eric Crist wrote:
> On Monday 12 July 2004 03:56, Irvine Short wrote:
>>>installed 1.20b and it's running without issue.
>>On which platform? 4.x or 5.x?
 > FreeBSD 4.10.

(cc'd to port maintainer)
This is getting odder. I have found bandwidthd just works out of the box 
  on FreeBSD 5.2.1 but on 4.8 4.9 and 4.10 I get a parse error.

I upgraded one of my machines to 4.10 and it made no differerence.

I've cut my config file down to

dev "em0"

and when I start it:

# ./bandwidthd
Monitoring subnet with netmask
industrial# Opening em0
Opening em0
Opening em0
Opening em0
Syntax Error "parse error" on line 3
Syntax Error "parse error" on line 3
Syntax Error "parse error" on line 3
Syntax Error "parse error" on line 3

Did you do anything else to get bandwidthd to work?

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