pcm0: unable to map register space

Michael Gherrity mike at gherrity.org
Mon Jul 12 02:04:46 PDT 2004

I am trying to get sound to work on a 4.10 system.  I am working with 
the following hardware.

ASUS P3B-F Intel 440BX AGPset ATX Motherboard
Intel Pentium III 600 MHz Cpu
256MB 32x64 PC100 DIMM Memory
Adaptec 29160 Ultra160 SCSI Controller
Quantum 18.4GB Atlas 10K II SCSI Hard drive
Toshiba SCSI 10x DVD-ROM, 40x CDROM  Drive SD-M1401
ATI Rage Fury AGP 32MB Graphics card
3Com 3C905C-TX 10/100 Mbps Ethernet card
Sony CPD-G200 17" Monitor
Creative SB Live Sound card
4Q SW08 Subwoofer Speakers
Eagle-Touch 107-key PS/2 Keyboard Model No. MCK-600W, Serial No. 62 7288
Logitech 3-button PS/2 mouse
Supercase ATX with 250W Power supply
3Com OfficeConnect Dual Speed Hub 8 10/100Mbps Rj-45 Model No. 3C16750B
HP OfficeJet 720 C6662A 600DPI Printer/FAX/Copier

The disk has a dos partition and the sound works fine there, so I do 
not suspect a hardware problem.  I have modified the /boot/loader.conf 
file by adding the line


but when I boot the system and run dmesg I get the messages.

pcm0: <Creative EMU10K1> at device 13.0 on pci0
pcm0: unable to map register space
device_probe_and_attach: pcm0 attach returned 6

Is this OK? Further, when I run mozilla after installing the GNU flash 
plugin on a site which has flash I get an error saying I have not 
configured the dsp device.  But I  have run sh MAKEDEV snd0.  I get a 
similar error when using the xmms program.  What is wrong?


Michael Gherrity
mike at gherrity.org

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