DNS server
Len Conrad
LConrad at Go2France.com
Sun Jul 11 11:54:07 PDT 2004
>Perhaps you need to do some research on the subject.
perhaps you need to clarify your vagary ....
>There are a series of DNS systems
For a public domain.tld, the only two servers involved are :
1. the servers authoritative for .tld to publish the delegation and glue
records for domain.tld.
2. the servers authoritative for domain.tld to answer authoritatively.
Period. There are NO other servers involved, nor is there any "propagation".
>a domain needs to be added to before it will function correctly.
>This is known as propagation.
the misnomer propagation is used by people who think DNS data needs time to
be available, to "propagate", over several days or a week, for all of
Internet. This is pure BS. There is no such concept in DNS.
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