How Critical Is It To Use an ISP Running FreeBSD or BSD/OS?

Jorn Argelo jorn at
Sun Jul 11 01:01:06 PDT 2004

Kevin Stevens wrote:

> [snip]
> In an ISP of any size, the CS reps will be almost totally divorced 
> from the infrastructure team.  What OS' they support for customers has 
> very little to do with what they run on the backside.
> KeS

True there. They only support Bill's software and a Mac just because it 
are the two most used OS'. (You can't say that from Linux because every 
distribution is different and has different paths and such) For example, 
here in the Netherlands we have several ISPs where the service desk 
employees simply have a list in fromt of them with questions, but know 
nothing about computers at all. You can't expect of them to figure out 
how to get your connection up and running with all those Linux 
distributions, or BSD projects. Would be rather a PITA if one has an 
HP-UX, AIX or ALPHA machine serving as an internet gateway, don't you think?

Anyway, my ISP (Demon, for the Dutch folks on the list) is running 
FreeBSD (at least, their webservers. Not really sure about the rest), 
and they don't give support on FreeBSD either. They only support Windows 
and Mac as well. Which makes sense to me though. They have skilled folks 
on their service desk, but still you can't expect of them to know 
various of *NIX flavors.

So it got a little bit long, but at least you have my two cents.



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