Building stable on current or with custom kernel

Andrew H. Derbyshire ahd at
Sat Jul 10 06:03:34 PDT 2004

I have a Dell GX100 SMP PIII 733 with a 3COM Ethernet, USR PCI modem, and 2
18G SCSI disk.  After problems with running 4.9 RELEASE on it, I am
currently running 5.2.1 on the machine.  (FYI I also have a uniprocessor PII
Dell GX1 running 4.10-RELEASE-p2, which I can do a native build on.)

None of my machines have a full CVS repository, just normal source trees.  I
mention this because it appears building a install environment (CD Image)
assumes local CVS access.

I need to get a -stable kernel booting on the SMP GX100 again to determine
the exact issues; I have the second SCSI disk to install onto, but the 4.10
CD install kernel won't boot because the serial driver sees the modem, and
(lacking the PUC device in the install kernel) commandeers the IRQ.  The
machine panics from what I think is secondary damage from the IRQ being
unavailable.   Since the kernel configuration screen doesn't allow disabling
PCI devices, there is no (console) workaround.

Thus, I need to install on this machine either with a custom kernel or cross
building from the 5.2.1 installation on the other disk.    Suggestions as to
how to do either?


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