NIS server selection

Doug Hardie bc979 at
Thu Jul 8 13:16:14 PDT 2004

I have NIS running on a few servers.  I have had them configured with 
the -S option with only their host name so they would use the local 
resolver.  However, after a few problems with ypserv dying I tried 
adding additional servers to the -S list.  Everything was as normal 
till I killed ypserv on the local machine.  Then it switched to the 
first host listed after the local name in the -S list.  Access to NIS 
records worked fine.

Then I tried to revert back to the local server.  Restarting ypserv had 
no effect.  NIS requests were still sent to the other server.  I killed 
ypbind and restarted it with the full list.  All requests were still 
sent to the other server.  I killed ypbind again and restarted it with 
just the local server in the -S list.  The request then were split 
about half and half with the local server and other server.  How does 
ypbind know about the other server anymore?

I had to kill ypserv on the other server, wait for some requests to 
timeout (ypbind is a persistent bugger) and then it switched.  Surely 
there has to be an easier way to do this.  I am trying to have ypbind 
use the local server if its working and otherwise one of the other 
servers.  If the local ypbind gets restarted i would like it to revert 
back to using it.

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