[REPOST] Compatibility with certain VIA and Realtek NICs

Andrew L. Gould algould at datawok.com
Tue Jul 6 07:40:51 PDT 2004

On Tuesday 06 July 2004 09:21 am, Bill Moran wrote:
> I got a few responses regarding this post, but I'm really looking for
> some positive, "yes, I'm using it" or "I tried and failed":
> Having a little trouble ensuring hardware compatibility.
> Some of the units we're considering have one of the following NIC
> chipsets: VIA 6103
> VIA 6303
> VIA 6306
> Realtek 8201
> Looking through the hardware compatibility notes, as well as the man
> pages for vr(4), ed(4), and rl(4) doesn't seem to confirm or deny
> whether any of these units will work with FreeBSD (although it'd be a
> little overwhelming to list every card that isn't supported in the
> docs ;)
> I don't know how different a 6103 is from (for example) a 6105 (which
> is mentioned as supported in the man page for vr) so I don't know
> what the chances are that it will be supported.  Has anyone used any
> of these chipsets, or can anyone say with confidence that these
> chipsets are very familiar with supported chipsets?

The NY City BSD Users Group (NYCBUG) is building a catalog of 
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I hope this helps.

Andrew Gould

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