mini itx

Chris Shenton chris at
Fri Jul 2 05:44:06 PDT 2004

arden <arden at> writes:

> im collecting some bits to start a mini itx project
> i have the need for a small silent pc 
> has anyone used these boards with bds?

I'm using an EPIA 6000 as a workstation in the kitchen.  I boot
FreeBSD-5.2 diskless so it's silent.  Since there is no disk heat, I
can also unplug the CPU fan. Totally silent. Very nice. Not a speed
demon, but plenty fast for surfing and such.  I'll probably do the
same for the next machine I buy for my office: I find it a lot easier
to code and think without fan and disk noise. (The server's in the
basement with a bunch of RAID disk).

I had X11 working on the built-in chipset with an older snapshot port,
but the recent one doesn't work for me. I haven't tried heavy duty
multimedia stuff nor decss and such on it.

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