finger information

J.D. Bronson jbronson at
Sat Jan 31 10:38:05 PST 2004

(I dont run finger to the outside..only within the machine itself).

I am running 4.9 and noticed that finger will not resolve internal IPs whereas
it will resolve external IPs sorta...

For example:

# finger testacct
Login: testacct                         Name: Test Account
Directory: /home/testacct               Shell: /bin/tcsh
On since Sat Jan 31 11:39 (CST) on ttyp0 from
No Mail.
No Plan.

..but when 'testacct' logs out, the finger information will then reveal the 
NAME of the IP...

# finger testacct
Login: testacct                         Name: Test Account
Directory: /home/testacct               Shell: /bin/tcsh
Last login Sat Jan 31 11:39 (CST) on ttyp1 from karliscool.cyberly
No Mail.
No Plan.

However on internal telnets within the lan, the live and stale finger 
information only show the never resolves.

I run my own DNS and know BIND -very- well. I dont believe that this is a 
DNS issue and nslookup on the LAN IPs all resolves forward/reverse just fine.

Any thoughts?

J.D. Bronson - "LoneBandit"
Aurora Health Care // Information Services // Milwaukee, WI USA
Office: 414.978.8282 // Email: jd at // Pager: 414.314.8282

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