where am I supposed to put my rc.firewall?

Eric F Crist ecrist at adtechintegrated.com
Sat Jan 31 05:33:38 PST 2004

On Friday 30 January 2004 11:02 pm, JJB wrote:
> How can it cause connections problems, you have never used it yet,
> so how can you say that.

I HAVE used it, and it is cause, primarily, DNS request problems.  DNS queries 
don't seem to have the ability to forward to other servers.

> Yes the rule set you posted is wide open.
> You could remove rule 200 & 300, pretty meaningless in an wide open
> config.

The wide-open config is a start.  I want to start with a working connection, 
and move to adding deny rules from there.

Thanks for the reply!

Eric F Crist
AdTech Integrated Systems, Inc
(612) 998-3588
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