ERROR: BOOTDIR environment variable

Rommel B. Ikeda r_ikeda at
Sat Jan 31 03:36:33 PST 2004

Hash: SHA1

Matthew Seaman wrote:
| On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 03:21:32PM +0900, Rommel B. Ikeda wrote:
|>I am trying to install Java from my /usr/ports/java/jdk13 ports.
|>The error message below came out and I do not know to do with it.
|>ERROR: Your BOOTDIR environment variable does not point
|>       to a valid Java 2 SDK for bootstrapping this build.
|>       A Java 2 SDK 1.3.1 build must be bootstrapped against any
|>       1.3 build. Please update your ALT_BOOTDIR setting, or
|>       just unset it, and start your build again.
|>Can anyone give mne hints and advice on this?
| Yes.  Before you can compile and install jdk13 you need to have
| installed jdk13.  Start by installing the Diablo JDK port -- which is
| a pre-compiled JDK.  In fact, if the Diablo JDK fulfils your needs,
| that's all you need to do.

I am compiling /usr/ports/java/jdk13 because I wanted to enable my
Mozilla Browser's plugin for Java and Shockwave Flash.  I only followed
what was written in the Handbook.

| In any case, the Diablo JDK should be sufficient to compile jdk13.

I was successful in compiling /usr/ports/java/diablo-jdk13 but when I
went to /usr/ports/java/jdk13 to compile the same error came out again.
~ I am afraid that I could not understand:
| Make sure you unset 'JAVA_HOME' before you start the compile.

What I did was '#unset JAVA_HOME' and then I tried to compile but was
not lucky...Do I have to do anything else to make my Box compile jdk13?
Thank you very for the response...

Rommel B. Ikeda

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