Using bind9, instead of the default bind8

Edmund Craske edmund at
Fri Jan 30 08:53:26 PST 2004

There's something wrong with the rc.conf stuff for named if you install the bind9 port over the base bind8 (by doing a make
-DPORT_REPLACES_BASE_BIND9 install clean in dns/bind9) because of differences in command line arguments. Of course, you could just
work it out and hash it together, or leave the base bind8 alone entirely and install bind9 as a separate port... It doesn't really
matter either way, just make sure you're executing the bind9 named instead of the bind8 one.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-freebsd-questions at
> [mailto:owner-freebsd-questions at] On Behalf Of Robert Huff
> Sent: 30 January 2004 15:51
> To: questions at
> Subject: Using bind9, instead of the default bind8
> stan writes:
> >  What's involed in using bind9, instead of the default bind
> 8. I  have
> > made the port, but it seems that I probably need to somehow  delete
> > the existing bind8, right?
> 	Look in /etc/rc.conf - there are variables for the bind
> program and command line flags.
> 	You will also want to check the configuration files.  
> There are some obscure but potentially important changes 
> between the versions.  I think bind provides a tool for this.
> 			Robert Huff
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