apm device not configured ?!

Julian Holley julian at holley.uklinux.net
Sat Jan 24 08:24:22 PST 2004

Hi all - I'm still having problems persuading my laptop to work with apm
- apparently my machine should work on 4.9 - I have re-compiled with apm
enabled, set rc.conf to enable apm etc, but apmd, apm will not operate
and gives the message :-

apm device not configured, although /dev/apm does exist !?

what do I have to do to configure apm ? on bsd 4.9 
what is the difference between apm and apm0 ?

IBM TP 390x 2626FOG on FreeBSD4.9

any help much appreciated, J

incidently on 5.2 apm appears, and loads, but alas crashes on resume :(
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