Big troubles running FreeBSD on a Shuttle nForce2

Raphael Dinge raphael.dinge-lists at
Tue Jan 20 06:09:29 PST 2004

Hi Anubis,

> We had a long look at this problem  and what it comes
> down to is these machines have shared memory for the
> video.

> There are 2 possible solutions.  One solution is to look 
> at the nvidia site and only use the ram they suggest for 
> igp boards.  Second solution is put in a seperate video 
> card.

Those solutions sounds good to me.
Is there a sysutil that would heavily test the ram
in my very specific case ?

Many thanks for the quick answer,

Raphael Dinge                           | Ohm Force
DSP developer & Software designer       | DA Software
mailto:raphael.dinge-lists at |

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