Compile Options
Matthew Seaman
m.seaman at
Sat Jan 17 01:45:03 PST 2004
On Fri, Jan 16, 2004 at 10:47:51PM -0200, alexandream at wrote:
> I've just installed my brand new FreeBSD 5.2 system in this machine. I've
> never used FreeBSD before and I'm quite used to work with linux (specially
> Slackware, although the last 4 months I've been using Gentoo for most of my
> daily work).
> The Question is that I could not find anything that resembled Gentoo's USE
> Flags, so I'd like to know if THERE IS anything like it, where could I read
> 'bout it (I've been checking the ports chapter in the Handbook but.. no luck).
On FreeBSD there is a conceptual distinction between the system and ports.
There are a number of flags you can set in /etc/make.conf to control
compilation -- see the example make.conf in /usr/share/examples/etc --
probably the closest equivalent of Gentoo's USE_ variables are the
NO_FOO variables used to turn off various parts of the system build,
Individual ports in the ports system can use any number of WITH_FOO or
WITHOUT_FOO flags to control optional parts of compilation.
(Actually, there are also USE_FOO make variables in the ports, but
those are internal use only and not settable by the end user.) There
are also many similar flags from before the convention to use 'WITH'
or 'WITHOUT' flags was established. You'll have to read the port
Makefile to work out what's available.
The WITH_FOO flags in the ports can be set generally for all
compilations by including them in /etc/make.conf -- however this is
only useful for certain WITH_FOO options that have a generally
accepted meaning for all ports. Eg. on one system I use:
A4= yes
APACHE_PORT= www/apache2
However, most of these flags only apply to a single port. You can
create a 'Makefile.local' in the port directory for ports specific
WITH_FOO options, or if you're a portupgrade(1) user, you can populate
the MAKE_ARGS array in /usr/local/etc/pkgtools.conf.
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil. 26 The Paddocks
Savill Way
PGP: Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614 Bucks., SL7 1TH UK
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