Optical PS/2 mouse not working under X

Ion-Mihai Tetcu itetcu at apropo.ro
Fri Jan 16 07:02:17 PST 2004

On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 16:49:20 +0200
"Slabbert, C. (Clinton)" <ClintonSl at nedcor.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I recently purchased a new PS/2 optical mouse.  I can't seem to get it
> working under X.  On Debian and Slackware I use:
> Protocol auto or ImPS/2
> and it works fine.
> Under FreeBSD nothing seems to work, auto, Microsoft, PS/2, etc. and there
> is no ImPS/2 option.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.

No one can guess your mouse type and your settings of moused and X.

If it work on console it will 99% work under X.

Unregistered ;) FreeBSD user

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