What are _p. files that break installworld?

Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Sat Jan 10 17:53:28 PST 2004

Carolyn Longfoot wrote:
> I have just run make buildworld on '4 stable' (4.9) and with make 
> installworld I get a ton of missing files, such as libvgl_p.a /usr/lib, 
> all follwing the same pattern where a .a file exists but the 
> corresponding _p.a file in the same lib directory.

The _p.a files are profiled versions of the libraries, although their absence 
normally doesn't cause any problems.  You may have "NOPROFILE=true" set in 
your /etc/make.conf, or you may have had it set when building world but not 
when you tried the installworld.


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