What is the difference between ; and &&

Eric F Crist ecrist at adtechintegrated.com
Wed Jan 7 15:43:53 PST 2004

On Wednesday 07 January 2004 05:39 pm, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 18:36, Eric F Crist wrote:
> > Just wondering what the difference is between ; and &&?
> >
> > I use make depend; make; make install and others say they use:
> This notation will run each command, one after the other, regardless of
> the exit status of the previous command.
> > make depend && make && make install
> This notation will only run the subsequent command if the previous
> command exited cleanly without error.  This is a much safer syntax.
> Joe

Thanks for the clarification!  After 5 years, I will finally change my 
incorrect ways.  I've learned something new today, I guess that means I can 
go home!

Eric F Crist
AdTech Integrated Systems, Inc
(612) 998-3588

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