partition not freeing it's space after deleting files from it

Simon Žekar simon.zekar at
Wed Jan 7 15:10:41 PST 2004


after quite some time of flawless working my FreeBSD 4.7 server's "/var" 
partition apeared full. I've examined used space which reveals that 
partition could not be full.

`df -hi /var`
Filesystem      Size   Used  Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused  Mounted
/dev/twed0s1e   252M    78M   154M    33%    2388 30122    7%   /var

`du -d0 -h /var`
18M    /var

There were regular open files from syslog (fstat, lsof), since i thought 
that might be some reason of not releasing the space i've shoutdowned 
them all but nothing happened. Used space remained untouched.

Even if I create some random file on this filesystem, the used size of 
partition grows, but after deletion of this file the size does never shrink.

After reboot and fsck at boot the information about usage of partition 
are fixed, but endless growing exists, so i have to reboot server 
frequently to fix the filesystem's information.

The system is on 3Ware Escalade ATA RAID controller on RAID-1 array.

What could be causing this ?


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