christopher.hollow at cgi.com
Mon Jan 5 10:40:12 PST 2004
Hi Shawn,
Depending on your needs, I would suggest checking out CVS
(cvshome.org). The CVS system is built on top of RCS and designed to
manage entire software projects. The CVS client comes base system in
BSD and most *NIX systems. Take a look at cvsd
(http://tiefighter.et.tudelft.nl/~arthur/cvsd/) in the ports collection
for a CVS pserver. CVSWeb (http://www.freebsd.org/projects/cvsweb.html)
, a project maintained by none other than FreeBSD, is a nifty add-on
that lets you browse CVS repositories through a browser. My setup
includes a lot of Windows users so I also use TortoiseCVS
(www.tortoisecvs.org) to allow Win-users CVS functionality.
The documentation on all of these is quite good. It took me from the
ground up. Take a look and post back if you have any specific technical
Christopher Hollow
Shawn Guillemette wrote:
>Once apon a time I worked for a company that had used somthing called "RCS" to protect files from being writen to by more then one user at the same time.
>Im now in a situation where that would become helpful. I have read the man pages on RCS and looked for documantation on the web including the FreeBSD diary site and wanted to post to you all to see if anyone had any links to some good documentation on this. Even how-to's would be great.
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Christopher Hollow - Technical Consultant
Infrastructure & Technology Support
Toronto, ON
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