Wireless networking with DHCP "tickets"

Tiarnan O'Corrain ocorrain at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 26 02:04:49 PST 2004

Dirk-Willem van Gulik <dirkx at webweaving.org> writes:

> On Feb 26, 2004, at 10:47 AM, Tiarnan O'Corrain wrote:
>> According to Orange WiFi, this is because the DHCP server sends
>> some kind of a keep-alive ticket to the client every 2 minutes, and
>> if the client does not respond, the lease is revoked.
> This is rather normal; and unless you have some firewall set up too
> strict works just fine with macosx/freebsds normal dhclient. See
> RFC3202 (the newer force-renew) and RENEWING/REBINDING in rfc 2131.

Alas, it does not work, and Orange WiFi have also had calls from
MacOS X people who can't get this to work. So I imagine the problem is
slightly different.

Authentication is done through a web-browser, whither one is
directed after logging on for the first time. When the lease is
revoked, all network services are blocked until authentication
details are entered through the web-browser again.

I am not running any firewall software on this laptop.

Also, probably should have mentioned:
~(0)% uname -mnrs
FreeBSD epiphyte 4.9-STABLE i386

Tiarnan O Corrain

Tiarnan O Corrain
(on-site at Vodafone NL
desk phone: +31 433 554 161
mobile:     +31 627 404 866
email:      ocorrain at yahoo.com)

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