Help with Vinum disk crash...

Danny Carroll danny at
Mon Feb 23 03:51:02 PST 2004


Thanks for all the responses.  Unfortunatly I ran out of time and resorted to a
restore of week old data.  No big loss for me, but I really wanted to debug
this to better understand what happened.

I think it went something like this:

ide drive crashes.
kernel panics (for this or some other reason).
ufs gets screwed up on the drive because of the panic.

I can't prove any of this since I urgently needed about 150gb of space.  So I

Like I said it is a shame since I wanted to understand what happened now, but,
then again, I was looking for an excuse to change back from vinum to normal.

vinum and ide on my system results is very poor disk performance, I see a
10-fold increase in read/write actions.  I'll be interested in revisiting vinum
with some SCSI disks sometime soon.

Anyway, thanks once again both of you for the efforts.


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