Daemon Monitor

Jon Mercer jon.mercer at achean.com
Sun Feb 8 06:43:58 PST 2004

Have you looked at DJB's Daemontools? They are in ports.


Jon Mercer

On Sun, 2004-02-08 at 14:13, Loren M. Lang wrote:
> Is there a good program that can monitor a daemon and take an
> appropriate action if the daemon dies?  I am having trouble with ClamAV
> dying in certain circumstances, but somewhat rare.  I would like for
> when it dies, to either restart it or copy a mail config file for exim
> over the default and signal Exim which would then disable exim from
> using clamav so the mail will still come through.  Currently we have it
> disabled until the problem is fixed, but some users are still not
> heeding the warnings and are infecting themselves with the MyDoom virus
> which ClamAV was previously blocking.
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|                         www.achean.com                         |
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