Fwd: dig/named - res_nsend: Protocol not supported

Luke Cowell luke at storydriven.com
Sun Feb 8 01:33:15 PST 2004

Yes, it was an IPV6 address in my hosts file. Had I specified the 
loopback IP instead of 'localhost' it would have worked.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Saint Aardvark the Carpeted 
> <aardvark at saintaardvarkthecarpeted.com>
> Date: February 7, 2004 12:09:52 PST
> To: Luke Cowell <luke at storydriven.com>
> Cc: freebsd-questions at freebsd.org
> Subject: Re: dig/named - res_nsend: Protocol not supported
> Luke Cowell disturbed my sleep to write:
>> *Why* do I need to have IPV6 enable ? Is it some configuration option
>> of named that I overlooked ?
> Hm...it could be that named is only listening on IPv6 localhost (::1)
> rather than IPv4 ( by default, but that seems strange to me.
> Try "grep localhost /etc/hosts" and see if you've got entries for both.
> Are you running the default version of BIND, or a version from ports?
> Hugh
> -- 
> Saint Aardvark the Carpeted
> aardvark at saintaardvarkthecarpeted.com
> Because the plural of Anecdote is Myth.
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