df oddity (to a newbie)

Mike Jackson mjj at isorauta.ntc.nokia.com
Sun Feb 1 03:10:18 PST 2004

ext Joshua Eckroth (jre9 at humboldt.edu) wrote:
> I installed a 80gig harddrive for /usr/home, but df has been consistently giving me weird numbers:
> Filesystem  1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad5s1d  75685352 24426308 45204216    35%    /usr/home
> what's with Used + Avail != 1K-blocks?

 What's weird about it? FreeBSD reserves 5% of the space for the root
user on every filesystem. That's why it's not showing as available. It's
a feature, not a bug :-)


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