5.3 in diskless cluster: irregular reboots at 14:09 hr. ?!?!

Rob spamrefuse at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 29 01:06:02 PST 2004


I'm running 5.3-Stable on all PC's.

I have a master/router with 7 diskless slaves. One of the
slaves shows irregular reboots, without a trace, not even
a shutdown message in the logs.

The slaves in this cluster write their syslog messages to the
master and so have these messages even after a reboot.

Until now I have the following sudden reboots of one particular
slave happen:
         Nov. 16 14:09:41
         Nov. 30 14:09:23
         Dec. 28 14:09:34

Each is exactly at the same time; this is rather peculiar, isn't it?

Any idea what's going on here, or how to trace this problem?


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