superfluous libraries?

Robert Huff roberthuff at
Tue Dec 28 19:23:47 PST 2004

	While running portsclean I got this:

Cleaning out /usr/ports/packages...
** /usr/local/lib/ is shadowed by /lib/
        /lib/     <- ?
        /usr/local/lib/   <- openssl-0.9.7e_1
 --> This may be an undesirable situation
Leave /lib/ (specify -i to ask on this)

** /usr/local/lib/ is shadowed by /usr/lib/
        /usr/lib/    <- ?
        /usr/local/lib/      <- openssl-0.9.7e_1
 --> This may be an undesirable situation
Leave /usr/lib/ (specify -i to ask on this)

	Is there any reason not to delete the versions that came from
openssl-0.9.7e_1?  Obviously I don't want to delete the port, but
these particular files?

			Robert Huff

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