portupgrade time, xorg ports
Jay O'Brien
jayobrien at att.net
Mon Dec 27 12:51:01 PST 2004
Kirk Strauser wrote:
> On Saturday 25 December 2004 12:29, Jay O'Brien wrote:
>>But it is there, so it will stay.
> I doesn't *have* to stay, though:
> 1) Add 'WITHOUT_X11="YES"' to /etc/make.conf .
> 2) Use You can use 'pkg_info -rR xorg-[whatever]' to see which ports depend
> on a each of the X.org ports.
> For each "dependent" port, there will be three possible states:
> 1) You don't use it anymore (eg you used to use Firefox, but haven't in a
> long time) and no other port depends on it. If this is true, then use
> pkg_delete to remove that port.
> 2) You still use it, but don't use the X11 version of it (eg you want to use
> ImageMagick for automated image processing, but don't need the 'display'
> command which depends on X.org). In this case, you can rebuild the port
> and with WITHOUT_X11="YES" setting above will remove its dependency on
> X.org.
> 3) You still the X11 version of it. In this case, you won't be removing
> X.org any time soon.
> Note that in case #2 above, you don't necessarily have to rebuild it *right
> now*. A lot of ports are updated regularly and might be updated the next
> time you run portupgrade anyway. If removing X.org isn't a high priority,
> then you can always check back every month or so to see when the list of
> packages that need X11 is small enough that you can force-upgrade them in a
> reasonably short amount of time.
> Also note that this general approach works for pretty much any other large
> system that you might want to remove, not just X.org.
Thanks for answering questions I didn't know how to ask. However, now
that I realize I have xorg installed, I've been playing with it and I
think I'll keep it around for now. I may even install Mozilla or Firefox.
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