Running own servers

RL rlurman at
Tue Dec 21 20:12:05 PST 2004

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 22:10:02 -0600, Chris <racerx at> wrote:
> RL wrote:
> > On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 23:04:55 -0500, RL <rlurman at> wrote:
> >
> >>On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 22:02:35 -0600, Frank Knobbe <frank at> wrote:
> >>
> >>>On Tue, 2004-12-21 at 22:59 -0500, RL wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>I just called my cable modem ISP (adelphia) and they said a static IP
> >>>>address is $130 per month!!!!!! Forget that!  Now what are my other
> >>>>options? I do have a dynDNS address for my dynamic IP, but I can't run
> >>>>a DNS server and do reverse DNS with that. :(
> >>>
> >>>Without your ISPs assistance, you wouldn't be able to run reverse DNS
> >>>anyway. Forward DNS on dynamic IP's is tricky as you have to
> >>>re-register/change your name servers IP address with your domain name
> >>>provider every time you get a new address.
> >>>
> >>>DynDNS for SMPT is doable, but forget DNS.
> >>>
> >>>-Frank
> >
> >
> >
> >   So I guess my only option *if* I wanted to do this was to buy a
> >   business class DSL service that offers a static IP?
> Correct - then again *IF* the DSL provider will allow you to be
> authoritive (and that's not really gonna happen) They will howver, do
> the reverse for you at that point.
> --
> Best regards,
> Chris
> There are two kinds of adhesive tape:  That which won't
> stay on and that which won't come off.

What's the most popular option? Is it buying a business DSL or T1
service or is it to colocate it?  All of them are pricey. :(

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