Linux kernel on FreeBSD

Loren M. Lang lorenl at
Fri Dec 10 00:21:39 PST 2004

I recently ran across an intresting project, Debian GNU/FreeBSD, a
FreeBSD kernel running with the standard userland from the GNU Project.
This surprised me as it almost seems like the exact opposite of what I'd
want.  Now this does give me an idea, what about making Linux/FreeBSD,
the Linux kernel with the userland from FreeBSD.  Ideally, I'd just like
to run a straight FreeBSD system, but I can't seem to get rid of my
Linux partition, and it's mainly because of features/drivers that linux
has, but freebsd does not.  For example, I recently ran across the
problem that my realtek 10/100 nic is not supported under the freebsd
kernel, but it is very supported under linux for some time now.  My
intel sound card is also not supported, neither is my webcam nor my sony
clie, all of which is supported under linux.  Also, I've found the
Netfilter firewall in Linux to be, IMHO, a little better designed than
ipfilter or ipfw in freebsd, and it definetely has more features than
those two freebsd firewalls.  Now I'm not trying to slam freebsd, but I
do think that linux has better driver support, if for no other reason
than that it has more developers that use linux.  I do believe that
freebsd has had a much better firewall than linux's former firewalls,
and I have yet to look at pf to see how it compares.  I also think that
the quality of the freebsd source code is also higher overall, but
the linux kernel seems to work well enough and, for a desktop, I find it
much nice for hardware support, but I still prefer freebsd userland to
the bloated gnu userland.  I hate distro's that decide bash is the best
choice for writing all the system startup scripts in when I'm trying to
run linux on a system with minimal ram, or even with plenty of ram.
I sense much NT in you.
NT leads to Bluescreen.
Bluescreen leads to downtime.
Downtime leads to suffering.
NT is the path to the darkside.
Powerful Unix is.

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