rc.conf and new startup scripts

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at daleco.biz
Thu Dec 2 08:10:46 PST 2004

Cezar Fistik wrote:

>Hi all,
>I would like to get some info about changes to startup 
>scripts that are in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ directory. It 
>looks like they are completely different now... calls 
>to some "strange" functions etc. How do they relate to 
>rc.conf? I mean now I need to tell in rc.conf: DAEMON_enable="YES", 
>if I don't the script in rc.d is just ignored. I would appreciate 
>any info regarding these new changes.
>Thank you,

The comments in /etc/defaults/rc.conf are a good
starting point, and quite educational IMHO.

Kevin Kinsey

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