Messed up port updating (Was Re: Updated to 4.10, now
Donald J. O'Neill
donaldj1066 at
Thu Aug 26 18:21:52 PDT 2004
Hello Kevin,
Actually Curtis' sup file would be just fine with one small change:
the line "ports-all" should be changed to "ports-all tag=."
If he makes this change it could save him a lot of grief at a later
time, if he decides it's time to upgrade source, and comments out
or replaces the "ports-all" line with src. If that happens, he'll
get a surprise he won't forget.
My preference would be to also change:
"*default base=/usr/local/etc/cvsup" to "default base=/usr". I
can't really explain why I like it better like that, it's just the
way I learned to do it and it works well for me.
On Thursday 26 August 2004 06:10 pm, Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P.
> Curtis Vaughan wrote:
> >
> > Here's how I edited my ports-supfile
> >
> > *default
> > *default base=/usr/local/etc/cvsup
> > *default prefix=/usr
> > *default release=cvs tag=RELENG_4
> > *default delete use-rel-suffix
> > ports-all
> >
> > Did I do something horribly wrong?
> Yes. Well, not horrible, but this was pilot error.
> As I think you've been told once already recently
> (or at least someone has told someone else within
> the last 48 hours or so) you ***must*** use:
> *default release=cvs tag=.
> (that's a dot or 'period'), because the ports tree isn't
> tagged like the RELENG branches are.
> So, in your case, cvsup replaced your extant ports
> tree with all the ones from the release it couldn't
> find, which happened to be nil ... and your ports
> collection is now blank.
> Kevin Kinsey
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Donald J. O'Neill
donaldj1066 at
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