Installing FreeBSD 4.7 on large disk shared with Windows

John Michaels michaelsjohn at
Sun Aug 22 05:51:20 PDT 2004

I have obtained Sams Teach yourself FreeBSD which includes a Cd with 
FreeBSD 4.7 which the authors suggest is installed as you can then 'follow 
along'  the book.

I have a machine with 2 Disks (60 Gb and 30Gb respectively) which already 
has Windows Me (and Slackware). Because of Windows not always behaving 
itself, I have split the 60Gb into (10Gb and 20Gb) for windows and 5Gb for 
slackware. These are primary partitions. An extended partition holds swap 
and /home logical partitions. Half of the remaining space of 10Gb  was to 
be allocated to FreeBSD.

I started installation, went into the  'fdisk' to create a 'slice' of 5000M 
for FreeBSD. This was done. The next screen asked about bootmanagers, I 
asked for it and then the next screen gave the following message:

Disk slicing warning
Max one 'fat' allowed as child of whole

When I hit enter, no other option available, the installation returns me to 
the disk partitioning screen. This cycle repeats.  The only way out is by 
cancelling the installation.

I have more than one fat partition to reduce chances of Windows crashing 
and spending hours in scandisk checking the various disks. Surely with the 
large disks now available, my problem is quite common? Am I right in 
assuming that FreeBSD does not allow more than one  'FAT' partition on any 
disk? Why?

Naturally this problem is NOT mentioned in the book!
-------------- next part --------------

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