reinstall ports with new options
maillist at
Thu Aug 12 15:04:39 PDT 2004
dick hoogendijk wrote:
>On 12 Aug RYAN vAN GINNEKEN wrote:
>>I am reinstalling some ports and need new options namely cyrus sasl2
>>think i remember there being a nice screen that poped up asking which
>>pulgins i want but i cannot get to this screen again. I only want the
>>pwcheck plugin to authenticate with postfix. Have tried
>>make clean
>>make distclean
>>make install
>Isn't "make deinstall ; make reinstall" enough ?
nope just installs maybe i am mistaken about the options screen has
anyone installed this port lately have seem some docs on the net that
say i should select only the pwcheck from this screen that does not come
up for me.
Is there anyway to use checkpassword to authenticate to postfix as i
already have it running for bincimap seems to work well is it secure
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