Vinum clarification

Steve Bertrand iaccounts at
Wed Aug 11 12:05:33 PDT 2004

> I am wanting to set up a vinum configuration so that I have a spanned
> volume containing a large partition on one drive, and a second entire
> disk. I am a little confused whether I need to build a striped or
> concat volume.
> The usable size on one disk is different from the usable size on the
> other disk. From what I gather from the man pages and some howto's
> found on the 'net, does this look like a reasonable config, or should
> I use type stripe instead?

I found the answer myself, in the handbook under the following table:

Table 17-1. Vinum Plex Organizations

where it states that stripe requires equal size disks and will not
allow later additions to the volume, where concat is the exact
opposite, and is exactly what I need.


> drive d1 device /dev/ad1s1e
> drive d2 device /dev/ad2e
>   volume span
>     plex org concat
>         sd length 40000m drive d1
>     plex org concat
>    	sd length 118000m drive d2
> Unfortunately, I am not in a position to try this on a test network,
> so this will be done on a hot production box. I understand that it
> will wipe out data, but in this instance, both areas to be used are
> currently empty.
> Tks for any advice.
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