FreeBSD 5, chroot and /dev

Hanspeter Roth hampi at
Wed Aug 11 09:00:47 PDT 2004

  On Aug 11 at 11:25, Bill Moran spoke:

> Hanspeter Roth <hampi at> wrote:
> > What is the recommended way to create the device nodes in /dev in a
> > chroot environment?
> This isn't a direct answer to your question, but it should help you
> work around your problem.
> After booting the CD, look in the /boot directory on the HDD.  If you
> move the contents of /boot/kernel.old to /boot/kernel, you'll have
> restored your previous kernel, and can then reboot off the HDD to
> attempt to build a working kernel again.

Ok. Thanks.
I have now created /mnt/ufs.1/dev/fd/[012] by mknod and the links
Another build is now in progress which has come further than the
first one.
If this fails too I'll move /boot/kernel.old to /boot/kernel.



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