Top posting solution
nocmonkey at
Wed Aug 11 07:12:27 PDT 2004
On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 17:45:58 -0400, JJB <barbish3 at> wrote:
> Over the years I have seen many posts on this list where Unix hard
> liners complain about people posting their replies to the top of the
> email messages on this list.
> The fact of life is all the Unix mail clients adhere to the Unix
> email format of posting the reply to the bottom of the email while
> indenting with a quote character.
> Top posting came along when MS/Windows came on the market with their
> own email clients: Outlook express which is the email client built
> into Internet explorer and the MS/Office Outlook email client.
> There is a little known fix for MS/Outlook express and MS/Office
> Outlook email clients that change the behavior of these MS/Windows
> email clients so they adhere to the Unix email format of posting the
> reply to the bottom of the email while indenting with a quote
> character.
> Information and fix download can be found at these URLs.
> MS/Outlook express
> MS/Office Outlook
> To all you Unix hard liners, Please instead of complaining to the
> top posters, it would be so much nicer if you just informed the
> MS/Windows top poster of the above links so they know about the
> solution to fix their email clients to adhere to the Unix email
> format used on this list.
Geez this is tough to ask cause it has nothing to do with FreeBSD, but
has anyone tried this (Outlook-quotefix) with Outlook 2003 in an
Exchange (2000 or 2003 envrionment)?
For the record, I love FreeBSD and utilize it's power throughout a
company which is mainly MS (not my choice right now) boxen. :)
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