boxend at
Tue Aug 10 13:07:02 PDT 2004
Thanks for the help.
now for a buildworld.
On Tue, Aug 10, 2004 at 02:37:10PM -0400, Gary Mulder wrote:
> >
> >Say you want to move /usr/local to live in /muz, where you have scads of
> >space. Do the following.
> > (I have my own naming convention that helps me keep track of things
> > you can name things as you like - but try to be mnemonic).
> or alternatively do (and preferably from single user mode, with a "mount
> -a" to mount all of the fs):
> cd /usr
> tar cf - ./local | (cd /muz; tar xf -)
> find ./local -type f -exec cksum {} \; > /var/tmp/cksums_usr
> cd /muz
> find ./local -type f -exec cksum {} \; > /var/tmp/cksums_muz
> diff /var/tmp/cksums_*
> (the cksum output files should be identical...)
> rm -r /usr/local
> ln -s /muz/local /usr/local
> Gary
> --
> Gary Mulder <mailto:gary.mulder at>
> Info Tech, Inc.
> 5700 SW 34th Street, Suite 1235 Phone: (352) 381-4400
> Gainesville, FL 32608 Fax: (352) 381-4444
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