Certification Program
T Kellers
kellers at njit.edu
Tue Aug 3 12:39:46 PDT 2004
On Tuesday 03 August 2004 11:30 am, Jerry McAllister wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I would like to know if there is a Certification Program for FreeBSD,
> > OpenBSD or
> > NetBSD, like SUN's Solaris Certification Program for example.
> >
> > If there is, what is the procedure to make the exam(s)? I am in
> > Salvador/Bahia/BRAZIL.
> The short answer is no.
> Some other people may wish to give a more comprehensive answer.
> Anyway, the FreeBSD organization is not a company in the same sense
> as Sun or Microsloth, etc that can set up a program to certify people
> in its wonders. The FreeBSD organization is a group of volunteers
> from all over the world that contribute to make the system. Although
> there is a core group that steers the project and tries to make sure
> additions and modifications are clean and meet standards, there is
> nothing that specifies the official way you must use the system.
> But, I have heard of some organizations that have undertaken to make
> up some training for FreeBSD and for UNIX in general. It seemd even
> like one might be in Brazil. But, I do not remember names or addresses.
> You might do some Google searching for FreeBSD training or something
> like that and see what you get.
> ////jerry
The longer answer is yes :)
NJIT offers open source unix certification (and it's recognized/endorsed by
the FreeBSD Foundation)
avaiable both online and in classroom.
Tim Kellers
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