Quake3 & mouse, silly i know

Glyn Tebbutt d3c3it-linux at ntlworld.com
Sun Aug 1 04:51:16 PDT 2004

Hi all
i've finally had success with installing freebsd, running -CURRENT  &
xorg solid now, very pleased indeed. So now im just build my system,
with the apps i use etc etc but i have a question, to test the GL out of
my nvidia card *which is perfect actually* i tried quake3, the only
problem i have is, my mouse doesn't seem to want to work it wont grab
it, its a silly question i know, i have search google but havn't found
anything relating
Thanks everyone
| Glyn Tebbutt |   	    d3c3it-linux at ntlworld.com |
|--------------'  http://homepage.ntlworld.com/d3c3it |
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| You just go in everyday and do it really half-assed | 
|              Thats the American way. -Homer Simpson |

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