whitevamp47 at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 30 11:15:10 PDT 2004
you can also look here at this page for your monitor's Hsync and Vsync and
max resilution
its the page that i used for setting up my moniter
hope this helps you out..
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed Budd" <ebudd at grokking.org>
To: <freebsd-questions at freebsd.org>
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 7:28 AM
Subject: Re: X-Server
As root, try:
X -configure
X will try to automatically determine reasonable settings for your
hardware and produce a barebones XF86Config in the /root directory
(called XF86Config.new I believe). You'll have to rename it by dropping
the.new extension and copying it to your /etc/X11 directory, AFTER
testing it first of course...
If you still have problems you might want to repost but provide some
more useful information like what version of FBSD you're running and/or
perhaps the version of XFree86. Also you can check your /var/log
directory for X-related errors. Posting this, if available, is probably
very helpful
Hope that helps,
On Fri, 30 Apr 2004 15:59:29 +0200 (WesteuropXische Normalzeit)
"Christopher Bahn" <bahn at wz-berlin.de> wrote:
> Dear Geeks,
> I wanted to config my x-server, but I have not any specification for
> my video-Card and monitor (because my computer is very old and
> second-hand). Is there anything I can do?
> Thank you for your advise!
> Kind regards
> Christopher
> Christopher Bahn (Diplom-Volkswirt)
> Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH
> Abteilung "Internationalisierung und Organisation"
> Reichpietschufer 50
> D-10785 Berlin
> 0049-30-25491133
> 0049-30-25491118
> http://www.wz-berlin.de/ow/into
> bahn at wz-berlin.de
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