two domain names - one IP - both SSL

Bill Moran wmoran at
Fri Apr 30 04:18:49 PDT 2004

Remko Lodder wrote:
> HEllo all,
> Dick Davies wrote:
>> * David Banning <david+dated+1083734386.829e4a at> [0421 
>> 06:21]:
>>> I am wondering how I could run SSL on two different domain names
>>> using just one IP address.
>>> I am using virtual hosting with apache.
>>> Is that possible?
>> No. As one poster said (and contrary to half a dozen 'install apache'
>> posts), you can't do name-based multiple vhosts over ssl.
>> The ssl session wraps the http session, so the server can't get
>> the host header until the session has started.
>> <quote>
>> That's some catch, that catch 443.
>> It's the best there is.
>> </quote>
>> You should in theory be able to do it on different ports, but
>> I haven't tried.
> Can someone explain to me then, that i had different https sites?
> covering IDS networks/ mail networks etc?
> I did that with <VirtualHost <ip>:443>
> Now then, that tended to work..
> Imho, it is possible with VirtualHosts.

Do you have a different IP with each VirtualHost?  Because the original
poster specifically asked if he could host multiple SSL sites with the
same IP.

Now, I haven't dealt with this in a while, and technology changes all
the time, but the last time I did this, you needed a unique IP for each
SSL VirtualHost.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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