Jason Suplizio suplizio at
Wed Apr 28 00:11:21 PDT 2004

Please help: I've spent a good 4-5 hours trying to get ProFTP up and running on my fresh FreeBSD 5.1 install - during which I have read everything that I could get my hands/eyes on and tried every trick I could find.  Essentially, I am trying to set up ftp accounts for 3 users, each with there own unique username/password login - which are working as verified by ssh - to use as a java servlet dev box.  

The problem: I can not establish an FTP connection to port 21. When it appears that I have an ftp connection, there is no directory listing nor a list of the remote files. I have a small firewall (built-in to my router), and have opened up ports 20 & 21. At one point I got a "PAM(username) authentication error" - but everything looked good (to my eyes) in the /etc/pam.d/ftp & ftpd files.

I have the server running in standalone mode and is not enabled as inetd service:

[suplizio at dakota:~] $ ps -auxf | grep ftpd
nobody     662  0.0  0.7  2144 1672  ??  Ss   11:22PM   0:00.01 proftpd: (accepting connections) (proftpd)

[suplizio at dakota:~] $ head /etc/inetd.conf 
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/inetd.conf,v 1.61 2002/11/12 17:31:11 obrien Exp $
# Internet server configuration database
# Define *both* IPv4 and IPv6 entries for dual-stack support.
# To disable a service, comment it out by prefixing the line with '#'.
# To enable a service, remove the '#' at the beginning of the line.
#ftp     stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/local/libexec/proftpd  proftpd

[suplizio at dakota:~] $ tail /var/log/messages
Apr 27 23:22:05 dakota sudo: suplizio : TTY=ttyp0 ; PWD=/usr/local/libexec ; USER=root ; COMMAND=./proftpd start
Apr 27 23:22:05 dakota proftpd[662]: - ProFTPD 1.2.8 (stable) (built Tue Apr 27 12:30:22 PDT 2004) standalone mode STARTUP 
Apr 27 23:27:48 dakota proftpd[665]: dakota.******.*** (************) - FTP no transfer timeout, disconnected 
Apr 27 23:33:51 dakota proftpd[680]: dakota.******.*** (************) - FTP no transfer timeout, disconnected 
 I am running the default /usr/local/etc proftpd.conf file  - which looks something like this:

ServerName                      "ProFTPD Default Installation"
ServerType                      standalone
DefaultServer                   on
Port                            21
Umask                           022
MaxInstances                    30
User                            nobody
Group                           nogroup
<Directory />
  AllowOverwrite                on

Thanks in advance for reading thru this!

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