Viewing *.chm files

Kyryll A Mirnenko mirya at
Sat Apr 24 09:25:03 PDT 2004

  Can anybody point me to an application capable to view such files (or 
extract them into HTMLs)? For those asking what I'm talking about: *.chm is a 
MSWindows format to keep a set of HTMLs & related info (content tree, index) 
in one compressed package. The Microsoft's util dealing with this format 
(`hh.exe`) uses MSIExplorer interface to display the chapters, but the 
problem I face is I can't make the last one work (using `wine`). A great 
shelf of MSWindows-related (not only) docs is in this format (MSDN lib is an 
example). The solution is an extractor (rendering the index & content tree 
into 2 HTMLs would be nice feature) or alternative chm-browser based on other 
browsers (Mozilla, Konqueror, Opera, Galeon, etc.)

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