4.9R changing MTA to Postfix - no periodic.conf

Danny bchadmin at eagleroaming.com
Fri Apr 23 08:38:34 PDT 2004


So I have installed Postfix from the ports, read the pkg-message, read the 
changing the MTA in the handbook, and did a bit of searching.

So after the switch, I obviously get:

Apr 23 03:01:00 mx1 postfix/sendmail[2175]: fatal: unsupported: -bh
Apr 23 03:01:01 mx1 postfix/sendmail[2176]: fatal: unsupported: -bH

Because I did not:

"Also, you will want to disable some Sendmail-specific daily maintenance
routines in your /etc/periodic.conf file:


However, I do not have a periodic.conf. How is the periodic running without a 
config file?

Could someone please show me there periodic.conf file and why they chose the 
options they did, or maybe baseline.

Thank you!

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