newsyslog and apache

Noah admin2 at
Thu Apr 22 19:51:36 PDT 2004

On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 21:37:47 -0500, Garance A Drosihn wrote
> At 5:19 PM -0800 3/22/04, Noah wrote:
> >
> >I ask that you please be specific as to what you think is wrong
> >with my newsyslog.conf file because I cant seem to figure out
> >what you are talking about here?  Looks like my newsyslog.conf
> >file matches the recommended config:
> Hi.
> I do not run apache at all, but I am the guy who has done the
> most-recent work on the newsyslog command.
> If I were to guess, I think your problem might be that you end
> up sending multiple USR1 signals to apache.  I haven't looked
> at the code recently, but I think the freebsd newsyslog still
> does not optimize the number of signal's that it sends to a
> single process.
> What I would suggest you try is some kind of staggered setup.
> (it's an easy thing to try...).  Something like:
> .../  640 30  *  @T00  ZN
> .../   640 30  *  @T00  Z 
>  /var/run/ 30 .../  640 30  * 
>  @T02  ZN .../   640 30  *  @T02  Z 
>  /var/run/ 30 .../  640 30  * 
>  @T04  ZN .../   640 30  *  @T04  Z 
>  /var/run/ 30


I suppose this is a viable option.  it would be really beneficial to do all
teh log rotations at midnight just to keep our logs rolling at the same time.
 maybe I am a little stringent here about these things.

anyways cna somebody possibly recommend another program out there that rotate
the apache log files all at the same time without creating memory errors for
apache because of restarting the daemon each time.

thanks in advance,


> (the ...'s are just an attempt to avoid line-wrapping in this
> message.  you still want the full pathname in the control file)
> The idea is to rotate the log-and-error files for any one domain
> at the same time, and only specify the pid once for that group.
> And then wait two minutes between the files for each domain name.
> See if that helps you at all.
> -- 
> Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   gad at
> Senior Systems Programmer           or  gad at
> Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  drosih at
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